Current Fools eNews
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Winter Solstice Reflections
Celebrate the season with a moment of reflection. We contemplate the solstice, the annual vigil for those who have died on the streets, and ponder changes that have closed the Tenderloin People's Garden at the corner of McAllister & Larkin.

Tending Our Community
We are thinking about our ancestors and companions. We remember our dear friend and Fools, Jackie Hider, who passed away on Oct. 20, 2023. We also hear from Linda Chrisman on the Camino and Brandon Reyes as he contemplates getting to know the Fools as a volunteer.

Faithful: A Foundational Word
What does it take to get through the paperwork? What keeps us going when the little things seem too small to make a difference and the things that can make a difference seem too hard? In this eNews, we contemplate the practical sense of the word "faithful."

In Community Knowledge is Born
Our August eNews focuses on how much more we understand and know when we are in community. From designing our way to a more just society or learning how to bring lavender into our homes, we think about how we grow what we know together.

Our Wellbeing is Bound Up Together
In June, we celebrate both Queer Pride and Juneteenth, the day the emancipation of all enslaved people finally got word of their freedom (Texas being the last state to spread the word). It's only right we honor Black Excellence and Queer resilience together.

It was a Great Party!!!!
We were livin' out loud. To be sure we are always livin' out, but on April 1st we were livin' out loud with gusto and several hundred of our friends. Come read all about it and see some photos too!

Your invitation to our celebration
Honoring our friends, neighbors, and community--See the invitation to our 25th anniversary event.

Come Celebrate 25 years with us!
Reserve your place at our 25th anniversary event. Song, performances, dance and so much more!!
We are are so glad you are part of our community.

Celebrating the Coming Light
We remember and we celebrate--we remember those who have died on the streets and we celebrate those who bring light to our lives.